「巳を結ぶ」一年へ向けて お買い得な「final福袋2025」で運試し! 2024年11月30日(土)正午より販売開始

Test with a bargain "FINAL lucky bag 2025" for the year for the year! 2024 (Saturday) Started from noon

新フラッグシップヘッドホンD8000 DC・D8000 DC Pro Edition 予約受付開始!

New flagship headphone D8000 DC / D8000 DC PRO EDITION reservation reception starts!

「超低遅延ゲーミングモード」搭載 ゲーム・動画・音楽の全てに没入できる万能イヤホン「GEAR01 + Gaming」誕生!

"GEAR01 + GAMING" that can be immersed in games, videos, and music with "Ultra -Low Delay Gaming Mode"!

今週末は「秋のヘッドフォン祭 2024」へ  新フラッグシップヘッドホンD8000 DC/D8000 DC Pro Editionのほか、S seriesやA6000、未発表機種など12機種を出展

This weekend, at the "Autumn Headphone Festival 2024", a new flagship headphone D8000 DC/D8000 DC PRO Edition, 12 models, including S Series, A6000, and unreleased models.

A series新モデル「A6000」本日より予約開始!「ステンレスマウントフレーム」を初採用、新設計ソフト単結晶銅ケーブル付属

A Series new model "A6000" reservation starts today! "Stainless steel mount frame" is first adopted and comes with new design single crystal copper cable

BAドライバーの新たな可能性を引き出す「S series」誕生!「S5000」「S4000」本日より予約開始!

"S Series" to bring out the new possibilities of the BA driver! "S5000" and "S4000" Reservation starts today!

【S series発売記念 復刻第一弾】超小型金属筐体イヤホン「F7200」100台限定販売決定!

[S Series release commemorative reprint first] Ultra -small metal housing earphone "F7200" 100 units will be sold!


Final/AG lineup is added one after another to Kawasaki City Hometown Tax Payment Return Give!

【販売終了まであと3日】周防パトラ×finalコラボ第三弾「ZE500 for ASMR Patra -Black/Patra White-」予約数20,000台突破!

[3 days left until the end of sales] Suo Patra x FINAL collaboration 3rd "ZE500 for ASMR PATRA -black/Patra White-" exceeded 20,000 units!

【新ASMR専用イヤホン】周防パトラ×finalコラボ第三弾「ZE500 for ASMR Patra Black/Patra White」がいち早く聴ける!ASMRイヤホン試聴会を緊急開催!

[New ASMR -only earphone] Suo Patra x FINAL collaboration 3rd "ZE500 for ASMR PATRA BLACK/PATRA WHITE" can be heard as soon as possible! ASMR earphone previewing event is urgently held!

【今週末はポタフェス仙台へ】final最新ワイヤレスゲーミングイヤホン「VR3000 Wireless」を体感!

[To Potafes Sendai this weekend] Final the latest wireless gaming earphone "VR3000 Wireless"!

【周防パトラ×final コラボ第3弾】新設計ASMR特化イヤホン予約開始!「ZE500 for ASMR -Patra Black/Patra White-」

[Suo Patra x FINAL collaboration 3rd] New design ASMR specialized earphone reservation start! "ZE500 FOR ASMR -PATRA BLACK/PATRA WHITE-"
