1. Introduction
ASMR has recently been talked about as a phenomenon that feels like a sloppy sensation and comfort, but the word ASMR means content such as videos, and the phenomenon that occurs in people as a video of watching videos. There are cases. This time, we will briefly summarize the phenomena, especially what has been reported in reciprocity.2. What is ASMR?
ASMR is an abbreviation of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Respony, and is translated as an autonomous reaction in Japanese. ASMR is a phenomenon that reacts to specific types of audiovisual stimuli, which is a sense of being expressed in words such as "Zowazowa" and "Zokuzoku". This feeling is described in English as "Tingling Sensation". ASMR is characterized by its comfort and relaxation, and is thought to bring a positive sensation.
Figure 1 shows the position and the spread of the stunning feeling caused by ASMR [1]. The stunning feeling that occurs in ASMR starts from the back of the scalp and descends along the spine. After that, it spreads over the shoulder, but it seems that there are individual differences in how far it spreads [1, 2]. In addition, it does not always feel the stingy feeling, and there are individual differences in the sense of occurrence.
Figure 1 Body part that causes a lurour feeling by ASMR
(Literature [1] Figure 1 quoted by adding a Japanese translation, the translation is created)
ASMR contentBiasing by only visual viewersAccording to the questionnaire survey results conducted in a way that does not applyASMR sensitivity has both men and women It is reported that it was about 60 % and it was found that the gender difference between men and women was not recognized. [3]It has also been reported that the viewing habits of ASMR content are preferred before going to bed. [3] From here, ASMR content viewersWill be introduced to sleep by ASMRIt is thought that it uses a relaxation effect [3]. In fact, some research results show that parasympathetic nerves are activated during the ASMR experience and the pulse is reduced. [4] In addition, it has been suggested that the negative mood will decrease after the ASMR experience, and ASMR is considered to have a certain relaxation effect. [5]
Some people may think of a "goose bump feeling" when listening to music as a reaction that gives a stunning feeling close to ASMR. Goose bumps are a phenomenon called "Chill", "Thrill", or "Frisson" in English in the intense emotional response caused by music. 6] Both ASMR and goose bumps are similar in that they have a sense of "frisson" in English, but in fact, goose bumps and ASMR are considered different. The reason is that ASMR and goose bumps have different parts of the body that causes a stingy feeling. [7] In the case of goose bumps, the part that causes a stingy feeling is "forearm".In the case of ASMR, there is almost no terrifying feeling in the forearm.Therefore, it is thought that the goose bumps that occur when listening to ASMR and music are different. [7]
Another reason is that the goose bumps that occur when listening to ASMR and music are different in the way of feeling of pleasure and discomfort. [7] The goose bumps that occur during music listening are different from general goosebumps due to cold and fear, and are caused by impressive experiences, that is, pleasure. On the other hand, ASMR is not always a good experience. Even if you listen to the same ASMR content, there are both those who feel comfortable and those who feel uncomfortable.
Similar to ASMR, in addition to goose bumps, "misophonea" or "systyle sensation" may be mentioned. Sound badness is a symptom that causes disgust and anger emotional emotions to the sounds emitted by others, representing evasion or aggressive behavior. [3] A sympathetic sense is a phenomenon in which multiple senses react to one sensory stimulus, for example, a certain color when you hear a certain sound. In each case, it is considered different as a phenomenon, even if there is a part similar to ASMR.
3. ASMR history
ASMR is not a phenomenon found in experiments in the laboratory, but a civil scienceThe discussion startsI got it. In 2007, a thread entitled "Weird Sensation Feels God" was launched on a health -related Internet bulletin board. If you translate the title of the thread directly, "the strange feeling feels good." This threadSimilar phenomenaPeople who have experienced gathered and discussions developed. Based on the discussion on this bulletin board, the community gradually spread and similar phenomena spread.The current being discussedThe elephant was initially ""Unnamed Feeling, "AIHO (Attension Induced Head Orgasm)", "AIE (Attention Induced Euphoria)", "AIOE (Attention Induced Observant) PHORIA), Various namesWas called. It has been called ASMR since 2010. Until then, this phenomenon was sometimes expressed using words that were a bit hesitant to discuss "Orgasm". Jennifer Allen, the parent of ASMR, states that he chose words that more people could easily participate in discussions [9]. In fact, the phenomenon called ASMR showed a rapid spread.
I have a Google search trend about the search word "ASMR"Figure 2 shows the results of the surveyI will show you. Worldwide, around 2012, in Japan, it has been gradually searching for it around 2015, and you can see the tendency to be searching at a stretch in the last few years. It is still maintaining a high trend, especially in JapanThe number of searches is increasingIt can be said.

(Created from the data as of July 22, 2024 of Google Trend [10], the maximum value is normalized as 100)
The spread of ASMR in Japan is a bit delayed compared to the beginning of the world. It is thought that this is probably because the concept of ASMR, which is similar to ASMR, was partly penetrated in Japan. [7] At first, ASMR and sound fetish, which have similar meanings, coexisted, but with the global epidemic of ASMR, the sound fetish gradually peaked around 2018, and the sound fetish was imported into ASMR. It is thought to have been [7]. However, the concept of sound fetish has not been lost, and the keyword may be used in combination with ASMR and sound fetish, and it can be said that the sound fetish has been talked or described with ASMR.
2012, when ASMR began to spread, was the year when the community, which was discussing ASMR on SNS, proposed the International ASMR Day. The following videos posted on March 10, 2012 are introduced on a website called "ASMR UNIVERSITY", which summarizes ASMR's detailed history. [9]
Currently, "International ASMR Day" is a day that recognizes the unique sensations obtained by ASMR and the benefits of the benefits of the ASMR every year. Even in Japan, the "International ASMR Day" began to spread little by little, and on April 9, special ASMR content was distributed on YouTube and other places, and posts using hashtags were exciting.
In 2015, EMMA L. Barratt and Nick J. Davis posted the first peer -reviewed paper on ASMR. Since this paper, research on ASMR has been increasing year by year. Table 1 shows the number of documents by year. This is the result of changing the search period from 2010 to 2024 for the search word "ASMR" in Google Scholar, the academic literature search service. There are other abbreviations represented by the same ASMR, so there are a certain number of documents before 2015, but you can see that the number of research on ASMR has been increasing since 2015.

4. About ASMR stimulation
ASMR content is mainly posted on video shared platforms such as YouTube and Tiktok in the form of videos. There are also podcasts posted as auditory hearing stimuli. Survey results on ASMR suggest that there are several types of ASMR videos to be watched at one time, and that their favorite videos are fixed for each individual. [3]
Some of the videos that I usually watch are photographed by Chinese food preparation scenery. The sound recorded at a distance that is intentionally close to the kitchen knife and cutting board is rhythmically repeated during a large amount of preparation. Combined with the visual comfort of the ingredients cut in an almost uniform shape, and the hearing feeling of the sound presented at a certain interval, I feel comfortable. Some videos posted are intentional tagged as "ASMR", while others simply photographed the landscape of preparation. The author himself is not sure if the feeling of comfort is equivalent to ASMR or not.
The stimulus that causes ASMR is not only videos. It is said that the stimulus that you feel in your daily life may be a trigger, and what is a trigger that causes AMSR is different for each individual. In general, the stimuli (trigger) that causes ASMR is divided into the following four.
- Stimulation to listen to
- Touching stimulus
- Stimulation to see
- Personal taste
The stimulus is not composed of one of the four, but many are composed of multiple combinations. It is thought that videos are the mainstream as ASMR content because they can be presented with "listening stimuli" and "stimulus to see", which are easy to feel ASMR.
Regarding the relationship between the characteristics of the stimulus and the stunning feeling, it has been reported that the result of the experiment using only hearing stimuli is that the following cases will increase the stingy feeling.
・ When the sound grows
・ When the tone is dark and compact
・ When the sound is close to the ear
・ When it is moving compared to when the sound source is stopped
The compact tone refers to a narrow frequency band because a negative correlation is shown between the average bandwidth of the stimulus and the stingy feeling. [2]
It has also been reported that the binaural sound source is significantly increased by the binary sound source, and that there is a positive correlation between the two ears between the two ears (ILD) and the dreadful feeling. More [12]. This suggests that the closer the distance between the sound source and the ears, the more the feeling of the stiffness increases. From the above, I believe that if the ASMR content is binaural recorded, if the space position at the time of recording can be properly reproduced, it will be more sparse. Specific stimuli that tends to cause ASMR includes "seagast", "roll play (such as touching the face)", "rustling sound (metal foil, sound with nails, etc.)", "Slow movement". [1, 14]. It has also been reported that ASMR is more stronger when audiovisual stimuli than for hearing stimulation.
ASMR can have both positive and negative reactions, but is basically recognized as a positive experience. This is thought to be the result of repeating ASMR stimuli experience and accumulating a positive feedback that was a positive experience. [7] Therefore, the personal taste may affect whether the ASMR experience feels positive or negative.
5. Hypothesis on ASMR mechanism
The mechanism of ASMR is not clearly known so far. Although it has been tried to confirm the generation of ASMR due to physiological reactions, it is difficult to verify with a large individual difference in how ASMR feels. In addition, the process of ASMR -sensitivity has rarely examined. Experiments for infants show that infants have not felt pleasure, and are considered to be not obtained or underdeveloped in childhood. 16] It can be said that ASMR has not yet been elucidated, such as what kind of mechanism the ASMR occurs and how people gain ASMR sensitivity.
Regarding the mechanism of ASMR, Yamada has developed a hypothesis on the ASMR mechanism centered on emotions in his book [7]. Yamada is a factor in the ASMR content that can be attracted to the fact that he can experience great emotions in a relatively short time, and the feel and warmth of the 2020 new colon virus (COVID-19). The tactile sensation is revealed by the ASMR content.
The goose bumps, which are considered to be similar to ASMR, are intense emotional reactions that bring an impressive experience. Yamada states that ASMR may evoke strong emotions as well as using emotions instead of emotional concepts, as well as goosebumps, as well as the goosebumps evoking a strong emotion like "impressive". 7] In Russell's emotional ring theory, the words that express emotions are almost circularly arranged, and our basic emotions can be expressed in the horizontal axis "pleasure-unpleasant" and the vertical axis "awakening-sedation". It is shown [7]. Based on this, Yamada is the emotions called by ASMR.Emotional ring shown in Fig. 3[7]

Fig. 3 Emotional ring model and basic emotions (Created based on Fig. 3-3)
Very large emotions are evoked in connection with memory. Since the memory is from the person who has experienced it, it is different for each individual whether the memory is linked to a pleasure emotion or an unpleasant emotion. Yamada believes that this is the cause of ASMR's personalities [7].
Yamada Next, the similarity between hearing and tactile sensation. Hearing and tactile are similar in the formation process of the organs, and in the treatment of the cerebral, both are treated with temporal lobe. The connection between the ASMR hearing and the touch is described as the information leaked by very large emotions is linked when treated with a side lobe. [7]
The ultimate ASMR mechanism hypothesis is that the hearing information as input by ASMR content is linked to his own memory, and it seems that the touch of the sensory organs, which is close to hearing, was really inspired. It is to evoke the sensation. [7]
6. Method to confirm the occurrence of ASMR
The main method of confirming the occurrence of ASMR is how to ask the subject to respond to the generation of ASMR. On the other hand, there is no sense of physiologically to confirm the occurrence of ASMR. ASMROccurrence and that degreeObjectHow to observeInvariousdirectionThe law has been tried [4, 15, 17-20]. Currently, there is a method of self -reporting of subjects about the generation of ASMR and a method of associating physiological observable elements. As a specific research exampleThere are pupil measurement (expansion), brain wave measurement (alpha wave), pulse measurement (decrease), etc.
Use Eye Tracker to measure the pupil diameter when viewing ASMR content and observe changes in pupil diameter. By pressing the button when ASMR is occurring, the relationship between the generation of ASMR and the pupil diameter has been confirmed, and experiments using visual stimulation have shown that the increase in the pupil diameter of ASMR stimulus has been significantly increased. It is done [18]. Another experiment using only hearing stimulation reported that a positive correlation with the expansion of the pupil diameter was found during the ASMR experience.
・ Brain wave measurement (alpha wave)
ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY (EEG, EEG measurement) uses a sensor installed on the scalp to measure changes in the ionic activity of the nerve cell group. Among the EEG waves, delta waves (<4 Hz) are related to deep sleep, alpha waves (8-12 Hz) are related to relaxation, and beta waves (16 --31 Hz) occur more active. , German waves (> 32 Hz) reflect the physical sensation and sensory exercise response. [20] In other words, by examining the incidence of different EEG waves during the ASMR experience, you can see the type of process that the body is experiencing at that moment. According to the comparison of ASMR -sensitive people who hear ASMR -related hearing stimulation and hearing stimulation that are not related to ASMR, it has been reported that ASMR is related to an increase in alpha activities at the front of and at the top of the head. I am [20]. It has been reported that the increase in frontal activity was detected when comparing brain activities during the ASMR experience with brain activity before ASMR experience.
・ Pulse rate measurement (decrease)
Use PhotoplethySmograph (PPG, photoculus wave measurement) to measure pulse waves and observe the change in pulse waves. It was reported that pressing the button when ASMR was occurring and the relationship between the generation of ASMR and pulse waves increased the amplitude of the pulse wave during the ASMR experience and reduced the pulse rate. 15] From this result, it is believed that ASMR activates the parasympathetic nerves [15]. In another experiment, it was reported that the ASMR experienced subjects while watching ASMR videos had significantly reduced heart rate compared to the ASMR non -experienced subjects, and the skin condition ductance level was significantly increased. [4]
These studies may separate the subjects who have experienced ASMR and the subjects who have never experienced ASMR. This is because ASMR's sensitivity has a big individual difference.
ASMR-15 scale is proposed as a scale to measure your ASMR sensitivity. Table 2 shows the question items of ASMR-15 scale.
The ASMR-15 is a 15-item questionnaire that evaluates four different characteristics: AC = Altered Construction, sensation (S = SENSATION), rest (R = Relaxation), and emotional emotions (A = Affect).
"Change of consciousness" is an item about changes in perception and consciousness.
"Sex" is an item about the physical sensation and parts.
"Rest" is an item about the awakening state associated with calm and relaxation.
"Emotion" is an item about the aspect of emotional experience.
The respondents will respond to each item on a five -stage Rickato scale, from 1 (I don't agree at all) to 5 (I agree at all). The higher the score, the higher the tendency to experience ASMR, that is, the higher ASMR sensitivity.

*Deterted consciousness state (Altered States of Consciousness: ASC) Is a term of psychology and is defined as follows.[22]。
"The state of degenerative consciousness is generated by psychological, physiological, drug or other means, and methods, regardless of artificial or voluntary, and compared to the normal awakening state. Featuring a significant difference in functions and subjective experiences, it is a subjective state of abnormalities, pathology, and retrainability when the experience is subjectively recognized. Ultimately, it is a state of fundamental consciousness, which is in a different state.
7. End
ASMR content is often the binaural sound recorded using a dummy head microphone. The binaural sound is not played with a speaker, but is played with earphones and headphones. However, it doesn't mean anything with earphones or headphones. In the past studies introduced this time, it has been found that there is a significant relationship between the sense of distance between the sound source and the feeling of stunning. In other words, in order to enjoy ASMR content or feel more strongly, it is desirable to use earphones and headphones that can correctly reproduce the intended sound of the creator in the content. Masu.
The target curve, which has been used in the design of earphones and headphones, is suitable for 2ch stereo playback, and there is a problem that when the binaural sound is played, it cannot be reproduced as intended by the content creator. did. In response to these issues, as a result of research, we found a target curve with a significantly high -level reproduction performance of the spatial impression compared to the conventional target curve in the Imasive Binaural Sound.
FINAL develops earphones specializing in sound image localization based on such unique research results.
Classic FINAL earphones as ASMR dedicated wired earphonesE500Is the first product that applied this research results.
Figure 4 Final E500
In addition, the wireless earphone "" "AG"Cotsubu for Amsr Mk2/3DIs the successor to the world's first ASMR dedicated wireless earphone "Cotsubu for ASMR" that further evolved the sound quality of "E500".
Figure 5 (left) AG Cotsubu for ASMR MK2, (right) AG Cotsubu for ASMR 3D
moreover,"VR500 for Gaming"teeth,Literature [23]The target obtainedOn a curvemostStandardIt is a product that made a sound design based on it.

Figure 6 Final VR500 for Gaming
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